صندوق جامبور الإسلامي للتربية والرعاية

جامبور ، ص.ب.أمتا ، بي إس هاروا ، ديست-نورث 24 بارغاناس ، عبر جوبالبور ، دبوس 743445 ، غرب البنغال ، الهند.


Bank Details

You can transfer donations to any of these bank accounts. After transfer, please email the donation details (amount, bank account, date and type of donation) to info@demoemail.com so that we can confirm and send the receipt.

All donations are given tax exemption under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, the 80G details are as follows:

80G Unique Registration No. AAATM2181QF19743 (From AY 2022-23 to 2026-27)



Account Name Account Holder Name
Account No 30799743793
Branch Jampur
IFSC Code SBIN0000632


Account Name Darul Uloom Deoband
Account No 50200031421551
Branch Deoband
IFSC Code HDFC0001974

ICICI Bank Ltd

Account Name Account Holder Name
Account No 6545454545455
Branch Jampur
IFSC Code HDFC0001974

Axis Bank

Account Name Account Holder Name
Account No 6545454545455
Branch Jampur
IFSC Code HDFC0001974

For Foreign Donations (FCRA Account)

Bank Name State Bank
Branch Name Jampur Branch
Branch Code 6555866
Account Name Account Holder Name
Account Number 5544554455
SWIFT Code 0145586s
IFSC Code 0145586s

Contact Details


Jampur, P.O-Amta, P.S-haroa, Dist-North 24Parganas, via-Gopalpur, pin-743445, West Bengal, India.

Phone VC Off +91-1336-222429

E-mail info@demomail.com

You can donate using any Credit Card, Debit (ATM) Card of any Bank or through Net-Banking.

You will receive confirmation and e-receipt at your email address.

All donations are given 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of Income Tax.

For 80G Certificate and PAN/TAN detail.